In Visual C++ 2005, time is a wrapper for _time64 and time_t is, by default, equivalent to __time64_t. If you need to force the compiler to interpret time_t as the old 32-bit time_t, you can define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T. This is not recommended because your application may fail after January 18, 2038; the use of this macro is not allowed on 64-bit platforms.


static int otl_initialize 
(const int  threaded_mode=0);
Static (in class) function to initialize the OTL environment. It needs to be called only once at the beginning of the program before making the very first connection to the database. The threaded_mode is a parameter for specifying if the program is running in the multi-threaded mode but it does not automatically guarantee thread safety, because OTL does not set any mutex locks or critical sections. Threaded_mode = 1 means the multi-threaded mode, 0 -- the single threaded mode.

ex) otl_initialize(1);

public void setBytes(int parameterIndex,byte[] x)
              throws SQLException

private void runGetBLOB() 
     {   // Prepare a Statement:
         PreparedStatement stmnt = conn.prepareStatement("select
         aBlob  from BlobTable");

         // Execute
         ResultSet rs = stmnt.executeQuery();

               // Get as a BLOB
               Blob aBlob = rs.getBlob(1);
               byte[] allBytesInBlob = aBlob.getBytes(1, 
               (int) aBlob.length());
            catch(Exception ex)
               // The driver could not handle this as a BLOB...
               // Fallback to default (and slower) byte[] handling
               byte[] bytes = rs.getBytes(1);

       // Close resources

     catch(Exception ex)
       this.log("Error when trying to read BLOB: " + ex);


VC++ 6.0 프로젝트 셋팅 LINK 옵션에 /DELAYLOAD:dwmapi.dll 추가하면 ActiveX 설치시
dwmapi.dll이 없으면 경고 뜨고 통과한다....